
May 2022

Exceptional Service in Interventional Cardiology Award

Dr Gogas received the Exceptional Service Award in Interventional Cardiology a distinction provided by the Chinese Embassy in Athens, Greece. Dr Gogas delivered his services in Interventional Cardiology for 3 consecutive years in the center of excellence in Interventional Cardiology aka “The Spencer B. King III Cath Lab” in Nanjing, China. He was certified as complex operator by Professor Shao-Liang Chen after performing over 2.000 operations who is considered among the Grand Masters in Interventional Cardiology.

The official ceremony by the Chinese Embassy awarded another seventeen accomplished individuals who have contributed with their intense efforts to augment the international relations between Greece and the Republic of China.

Best Session Award 2017

13th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Korean Society of Interventional Cardiology (KSIC) | Seoul | South Korea

Dr Gogas received the “Best Session Award” distinction during the proceedings of the 13th annual meeting of the Korean Society of Interventional Cardiology. The Korean Society of Interventional Cardiology is the largest cardiology society in South Korea. Dr Gogas is frequently invited in South Korea as he retains tight scientific relations with key opinion leaders in the area.

The award was related to bioresorbable scaffolds and the potential benefits these technologies might provide compared to permanent metallic stents. Later in the course of further investigation, bioresorbable technologies were shown to increase substantially the risk of scaffold thrombosis and were further terminated from the interventional market.

PhD Erasmus University Rotterdam

Rotterdam | The Netherlands

Dr. Gogas, earned his PhD in Interventional Cardiology at Erasmus University in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. His doctoral studies were conducted under the mentorship of Prof. Patrick W. Serruys, MD, PhD who is considered one of the most influential interventional cardiologists globally. The defense was held the 3rd of June in 2014 at Erasmus University in Rotterdam and was unanimously approved by the scientific committee composed of the Erasmus University leadership academics. Dr Gogas investigated with multimodality imaging the long-term vascular responses following implantation of metallic and bioresorbable devices.

Dr Gogas is grateful to the Hellenic Cardiology Society and Hellenic Heart Foundation who supported the successful completion of his doctoral studies with a grand total of $45K USD.

Outstanding Faculty

Emory Research Appreciation Day 2016 | Emory University School of Medicine Atlanta | GA | U.S.

Dr. Gogas was awarded the “Outstanding Faculty” distinction during the 2016 Emory Research Appreciation Day. Emory’s departments during that day gather together to present their clinical research projects. Dr Gogas worked diligently and developed a translational program showing the synergistic effect of coronary stenting with the underlying tissue biology.

Some of the remarkable findings of his work showed that DES deployment in arterial segments upregulates inflammatory pathways leading to subclinical restenosis and sent thrombosis.

Translational Research Award by the American College of Cardiology

61st Annual Scientific Sessions - Chicago | Illinois

Dr. Gogas received the 2012-2013 Translational Research Award provided by the American College of Cardiology during the 61st annual scientific sessions of this meeting.

The award highlighted the achievements of Dr Gogas after the completion of his PhD in Interventional Cardiology under the mentorship of Prof. Patrick W. Serruys, MD, PhD, at Erasmus University in Rotterdam and allowed him to continue his career at the Andreas Gruentzig Cardiovascular Center of Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia the United States of America.

The monetary support given with this award was in the range of $70K USD and enabled Dr. Gogas to have a smooth transition to the United States of America where he worked for 6 consecutive years at Emory University.